Free day...not really

House in the middle of a street in Biloxi
Yesterday was beautiful here in Southern Alabama. It was mid eighties and the ideal day to spend away from the hurricane releif and the destruction we see every day like the one above. We were invited over to a new friends home, a family we have met in this area. They took us out for lunch after church (they also are helping to raise 12 children, mostly vietnamese kids) and we headed to their home for an afternoon of watching football, fishing, playing pool and relaxing.
I had just begun to relax when the 12 year old boy who lives in their home started to talk with me. He began to pour out his heart and the deep hurt he has been experiencing the past few years. He has such a tender heart and yet carries so many burdens. Please pray for Damon as he tries to release some of his burdens to the Lord.
We have been blessed this past weekend to stay with a man named Dean. Dean was a gracious host to us on our earlier trip to the gulf about a month ago. He is such a great man. When we were leaving he said that we could come back and stay with him any time. Dean lost his wife about one year ago and has been lonely. We were able to bless him by being around and providing someone to talk with. He blessed us by providing fellowship, good food and a comfortable place to sleep.
As I have looked back this past week I clearly can see Gods provision. We have been invited out many times for lunch or supper and were even given a number of new CD's and DVD of some of the most popular and godly gospel artists. We have been invited into homes and made to feel so welcome.
Thanks to all of you for your faithful prayers. They are felt.
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