Vietnamese church help...Story of survival

What a privilege for us to go to Biloxi and help a Vietnamese pastor and his wife try and rebuild after Katrina. I had a great opportunity to talk with pastor Thuan who shared that he lost his church and home. Many of those in his congregation have moved from the community and he could be months before thay can have church services again.
He has such a passion for his people and desires to be ministering soon.
We were able to work alongside of a local youth group of 30. All day long we labored and it seemed like we made just a small dent in the destruction.
We then toured the local area and it revealed more devastation than we realized. One story touched my heart. One of survival.

We came accross this boat just two blocks from the Vietnamese church. The story is written on the side of the boat of a mom and her four children who were able to climb into this boat and ride out the storm. Without this boat this family surely would have perished. I plan to contact the lady who survived in this manner and tell her story in an upcoming update.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to a much needed day off. We have been going pretty hard and we need to have a day of rest. Thanks for your prayers!!!
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