One home at a time

We have just completed anm amazing week of ministry where we were able to help a number of people. We had three mission teams in and they made a great impact.
We had people in the local communities we served come and thank us for our service to their towns, and cities.
One place where we served was a local church in a coastal community. Our group of seniors went in and sorted food and toiletries for distribution the next day. At the end of our time there the pastor showed us a short video he had put together. It was done to a song called "The Anchor Holds", and told the story of people who are holding on to Christ as their anchor.
It was a very emotional time for me. Many of the pictures in the video were of places I had been and people I also had met. I tried to talk with the team of seniors but it was so difficult. I am truly changed by my experiences here in the gulf coast.
The story is more than the sights of miles and miles of destruction. It is the smells, the sounds. It is what you don't see...people, relief teams, animals. It is what you do see...mold, desperation and hopelessness, piles and piles of debris and garbage, houses in streets. It is the stories of survival, the horrorific stories of death. The turning to God, the running from God. The thankful people. The disillusioned people. It is all these things and so much more.
Today I begin my journey back home. I am so looking forward to being with my family. They have sacrificed to allow me to be a part of this life changing month of ministry.
Please pray for me as I travel the 31 hours home. Over the next few days I will share some more of the stories of people I met.
Pray also for the state of Florida, I cannot imagine the gulf coast region being hit again. Our headquarters is in Vero Beach, FL and is in a pretty direct line for "Wilma".
I am so blessed!!!
Hello Scott! I was part of the mission team from XChange Youth group in Greenwood, IN. We had an awesome was really an experience that has changed my life. I think about things differently. I am grateful for everything I have and I realized how much I took for granted the things that I am so blessed to have. I also realized that if I push myself I can accomplish anything. The area is something that I cannot explain to my friends and family. It is different when you can smell it and see the piles of trash that are almost as tall as houses!
Thank you for your organization and for allowing my youth group to go and help out a little. Keep us posted on how the houses end up that we worked on.
God bless you, your family, and the organization. Also, tell Matt, Adam, and Tally thanks for a great week.
God Bless
Wow, has it really been a month already?! Looking forward to having you back; have a great trip and see you soon.
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