Monday, July 10, 2006

Eight new believers

When we first went to the gulf coast I felt that we were there for two reasons. First was to share the love of Christ with people and a close second was to help people rebuild their destoyed homes and lives.
Last week we saw a breakthrough in the spiritual lives of the people. One lady made a decision for Christ as our team was involved in a prayer walk. During our prayer walks we walk through areas to pray for peoples needs and identify those who have needs that we are able to respond to. It may be that they share the need for water, food, clothing, toiletries or other things. Often they need someone to talk to and have someone pray for them. One thing that we will always offer is the message of Christ's love.
Later in the week at a VBS seven others gave their hearts and lives to the Lord. One of these people was a parent of one of the children.
We as a ministry are committed to sharing the gospel as part of our vision and mandate. Please join me in praying for the people in the gulf and that we would indeed see more fruit for our ministy.


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