Friday, July 21, 2006

Joshua inspires me

I have recently began to reread the book of Joshua and to study the life of this man of faith who took God at His Word.

I had one of those nights last night where I was unable to get to sleep. After tossing in bed for 5 hours and unable to sleep at all I got out of bed at 5:00 and opened my Bible to read how as soon as the 40 year trekkers landed in the promise land God did something new.

For forty years the people had been fed with manna, fresh provision every day. In fact they were not allowed to take manna fo the following day as it would be unusable. Gods provision was faithful in the midst of their grumbling and complaining.

When they entered the promise land they were met by a new source of food. It was good!!!! Quality food that would sustain them going forward. In fact the Bible says that they were never given manna again. Ever!!! There was a new provision but the same source, GOD. The last day they had manna was the day before the rich blessing.

The Lord reminded me that He will continue to provide our manna. Our daily sustinence, even when we are unsure where it will come from. AND He also placed a peace in my heart that He is doing a new thing. He is going to show us and provide for us in a new way!!!

I am not sure what He has in mind or how He will accomplish it!!! BUT I choose to receive this peace and truth from Him.

I ask you to keep praying for this need and others we have. We are in God's hands!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott, you are an inspiring person! Keep on being who the Lord has created you to be.... Your faith and leadership is something that really draws others in... More than anything our hearts for Him are what are contageous! God bless you!! BELIEVE for great things... RECIEVE great things, in Jesus name! Praise God!

5:08 PM  

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