Friday, October 13, 2006

The heart of the Father Part 4

What is our heavenly Father like, what is His heart for His children? I think there are many things that can be said from this parable. I want to focus on a couple of characteristics I believe we can see.
Luke 5:12."He divided the property between them"... We do not know the full discussion that was had on the topic of giving the young son his "entitlement" but we can speculate on what that conversation was like. I feel I can do that because I can see from other scripture what God's heart is. Here are a couple of scriptures, John 3:17, "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world" and Luke 19:10, " For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost."

I believe that the Father in this parable did not have a condemning spirit. He loved His son. He knew that his son was probably going to blow everything. He knew his son was demanding and self centered. He knew his son would make mistakes. He also knew that he could not dictate everything that his son would do and he needed to allow him to have a free will and the freedom to choose.

Would the son have ever felt he could return home if he knew he would be condemned for what he was about to do? Are we going to allow others to make mistakes and maybe blow everything in their lives? If they do are we going to be there to provide them with a safe place to land? These are not easy things to do but I feel it does represent the heart of God.

As Christians we are to be the hands and feet of Christ. That means we need to have the heart of God. That heart should include one of forgiveness. We should not have a condemning spirit or attitude. We need to be praying for those who are away from the Father and helping where possible to seek out those who are lost and help them find their way back home. Home to the Father's arms.

Tomorrow...desperate actions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Scott:

Not to have a condeming spirit and offering them a safe place to land. This is true of the heart of God. Pray that God would give me His heart.

John O

5:57 PM  

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