Broken homes...broken families

Today we met with a 26 year old Christian man, a husband and father of two children. His home sits about 8-10 miles inland just north of Pascagoula. We drove to his home to find it had been hit by a tornado during the winds of Katrina. He had lots of structural damage but his problem was deeper.
Not only has Katrina ruined his home and severely challenged his business his family is in crisis. He and his wife are going through very deep waters in their marriage. He has so much weighit to carry with trying to fix his home, run his business and at the same time try to keep his marriage together.
I told Charles that he needed to let other people come in and help him rebuild his physical home because other people could help him do it. I also shared that by doing this he could spend more time focusing on his family and spending time with them.
Charles, his wife and their two young children aged 4 and 1 have had to live in a small hotel room since Katrina. They are stressed out. They are handling their stress in different ways and that has led to some misunderstandings. Please join with me in praying for Charles and his family. They represent so many families that are falling apart as the direct result of Katrina.
When we came to the gulf coast it was to invest in people and to impact them personally. Today, once again, I can see God clearly leading us to the place where He wants us to be.
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