Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Needing God's favor

I am heading back to the gulf on the 22nd of this month, for a short time.
Here are some things I ask you to pray for while I prepare and as I am there: blessings upon my family, new location for us to operate from, continued favor with pastors in MS gulf coast, wisdom in decisions, new staff arriving and fitting in, wisdom in how to best use the gifts of the teams coming in and for our personal finances.
My desire is to find that place in the gulf where God has already opened up that unique place for us, to know it and walk in it.
I am reminded of a time I was exactly where God desired for me to be, at the right place on earth where God intended for my feet to be. In short this past summer I was seeking God for pastors we could partner with in Montreal, especially in the area we work in West End. I asked God to place me in an area where I could meet pastors I had not yet met.
As a result of one of our teams doing a drama on an outreach, children gathered around us. Two children started singing along to the song in the drama and I was standing between them. I asked them how they knew the song and they shared that they heard them in church and that their dads were pastors. In fact their dads had just moved to this area to plant churches. In just a few minutes these children had gone and brought their parents to meet me for the first time.
I don't know about you but once you see God move in ways like these it becomes easier to trust him for things that are much bigger than ourselves.
I was reminded this morning again of just how desperate I am for God's miracles in my life, in so many areas. Physically, financially, familially, emotionally, occupationally...
"Trust and obey...there is no other way"


Blogger Scottie said...

hey scott,

just wanted to give you another update of God's amazing faithfulness... i did not write letters for this trip down south with ya'll because i didn't feel that was what God wanted me to do... but the job that i was hoping to get to pay for this did not come through as well... last week i became anxious as i was thinking about this trip and felt to ask for prayer with a group of people... literally 2 days later which happened to be my birthday (15th) someone wrote me a cheque for $500 which will get me on this trip... people were praying for me as a leader of this team and i had no idea if i was even going to be able to come, but God knew...

be blessed today scott... we can't wait to come down and see what God has in store for us for this trip... many first timers for something like this... i think i may be more excited for them than myself... see you soon...

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott, You are in our prayers. And if you aren't aware...Tallie and her family are in Michigan as her grandpa is dying. Her mother asked for prayer for family members who do not know Christ and that Tallie's family witness well in action, deed and words. Tallie has thoughts on her xanga site.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Scott - I'm commenting on your blog because I'm in Chicago and can't track down your email address. Can you email me sometime about the team coming to Freddy in March? What are the dates and what can I do to help? I may not be able to put in full days all week but I'll do what I can -- feed people, lead worship...

6:51 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

PS - you can email me at japancanada@gmail.com

6:53 AM  

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