Prosperity theology bugs me

I spent some time this morning talking with a family that are very precious to me. One of the things the husband brought up was how he is frustrated by the word "Christian", especailly as it relates to how people sometimes view and think of Christians.
As a new Christian he says he is getting tired of feeling like he is excpected to be perfect. So if you are perfect, please stop reading here. The rest of this blog might be offensive to you.
Where did this idea of perfect Christians come from. If our churches and meetings are full of perfect people what real impact are we having anyway. No perfect people should be allowed in church. Why? Because there are no perfect people. That way everyone should be welcomed in.
The message often portrayed in some churches is that you need to be perfect to attend. Then once you make a decison for Christ, you will have a prosperous and blessed life. Only the weak in their faith will have trials and persecution. I have a word I would like to insert here but I will choose a kinder word, nonsense.
I was reminded of a previous conversation I had with a health and wealth preacher in Alabama. He told me that no one has ever been afflicted with sickness and not been healed in his church. He had been there 15 years. Therefore I would have to assume he never has performed a funeral. Come on, lets be realistic.
To bring this full circle, here is my point. Should we really be suggesting to people that the people in the pews of our churches are perfect, and that by becoming a Christian, life will be a bouquet of roses. No we shouldn't!!! The more effective message is that Christ died for imperfect people and that He will be with us as we go through the trials and tribulations of life.
I agree with my friend that if this is the type of Christianity we are supposed to identify with, I wish they would come up with another name for who they are. Maybe we can call them...
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