Dinner conversations

Last night we were eating supper with the girls and they had a friend over. I had never met him before. He seems like a nice kid. He has lots of piercings and at least four different colors of hair. So I decided to get to know him a little bit better.
I found him to be a very honest and straight forward teen. I appreciate that. We talked about a lot of things and then I asked him about his church background. He shared that he had no use for religion. He said I don't have time to deal with that right now. He said I want to do alot of other things first and in a few years I'll deal with that if I feel like it.
I shared with him that he was making a big mistake because he was not guaranteed anything in life. His response was that he was smart enough to stay safe.
I asked him what would happen if he died and stood before God, what would he do. He said he would talk his way out of trouble and even if he couldn't that he could handle pain. I reminded him again that he had faulty thinking.
We never argued at all we just talked. At the end of our conversation he said, "Do you judge me for the way I think?" My response was, "No I do not. I respect your ability to do and choose what you want. But you really need to rethink what you have believed to be true. "
It is sad that so many people believe so many lies. They are deceived. They need the truth. In his case he has heard the truth. He spent six years in a Christian school and went to church every Sunday for years. I am glad that he was at my dinner table.
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