How intimate is our relationship with Christ?

I was recently sharing what it means to be in a relationship with Christ, I used the following example. While at the home of friends there was a grandmother and granddaughter. I have been friends of the family for some time now and I said to the grandaughter "can you give me a hug?" This of course was done in front of others to illustrate my point.
The granddaughter came beside me and put her arm around my shoulder and then went and sat down. I then said, "can you give your grandmother a hug?" She walked over to her grandmother, wrapped both arms around her, put her head on her grandmothers shoulder, and told her that she loved her. It was beautiful to watch and to see the smile on her grandmothers face. It brought tears to her eyes!!
This illustrated the way we approach Christ. If Christ is just a casual aquaintance we will half heartedly reach out to Him and be sure to keep Him at a distance. But if we are like the grandmother and granddaughter the realtionship is different. It is one where we can wrap our arms around the Lord, trust Him, rest in Him and truly love Him. We can feel the warmth of His embrace.
Maybe you are trying to keep your relationship with Christ at a distance. Don't!!! Embrace the Lord and get to know Him more personally. You will find His arms are open and ready to wrap you up.
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