I enjoy teaching God's Word for two reasons: 1. I always learn something new when I prepare and 2. I love to help others go deeper in their knowledge and relationship with God.
I am going to do a short teaching on the life of Gideon, found in Judges Chapters 6-8. I have thought about his life and how God used him powerfully and yet he was faced with many challenges.
When we get to the book of Judges the Israelites have finished their years of wandering in the desert and have reached the promised land. One would think that since they have finally reached their desired destination and that they have seen the Lord's provision that they would follow Him and His teachings, We understand though that this is not the case.
The people lost sight of their identity as God's people, chosen and called by Him, and their role in His army. You know this sounds alot like us. Sometimes we forget who we are in Christ, his calling and purpose for us in our lives and that we are soldiers for the king.
As we begin to read in Judges 6, we see the condition of the Israelites. It is based on their realtionship with God. Judges 6:1 says, "AGAIN, the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites."
Is it just me or do we often see that pattern in humanity. We seem to be doing well, are focused on God, are seeking his face and then we become complacent. We begin to allow things to get between us and our realtionship with God. Then we find ourselves in that AGAIN place.
God is always concerned with us when we get in that again place. He wants so much more for us, He wants us to really live a full and complete life in Him. If you are in that again place, then come before Him again. Begin anew to go deeper with God.
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