Making Gideon into the mighty warrior...laying a foundation

The Lord has begun the transformation from a fearful man in hiding into a bold mighty warrior. The Lord speaks to Gideon and reminds him in v.23 "Peace, Do not be afraid. You are not going to die." That was wonderful truth Gideon could lay down in his foundation.
That night the Lord continues to build the mighty warrior. v.25-26 The Lord speaks to Gideon and says, take a specific bull from your fathers herd, tear down your fathers altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah poll beside it. All of these things had become gods for the people. So the first assignment Gideon was given was to tear down. Tear down!!! He was going to start right in his own family. Gideon was having a struggle right in his family all this time. Now God was getting personal.
Then he was told to build a proper altar to God using the wood from the Asherah pole. God was going to take what was being used improperly and begin to give it a purpose. Then he was going to take that same bull and offer it as a sacrifice. You see God was giving Gideon specific instructions on how he was to do things. If Gideon was going to try and change things in his own family without knowing how and what to do he would be in big trouble. With God leading he knew he was on the right course.
We know Gideon was bold right. Not yet!!! In v.27 we read that Gideon took some others with him and that he did it at night because he was afraid of his family. I believe that God does things in the right way and the right time to build us into the people He wants us to be. It is a process. You and I are being groomed today for what we are to do today and for what He has for us in the future. He is adding more bricks into our foundation.
I hope you can sense the way this servant of God is being empowered. Little by little the mighty warrior is becoming a reality. He is no longer the weakest of the weak. Understand that God wants to do the same thing in our lives. He wants to take us from where we are and how we feel about ourselves and make us into the person He has created you and I to be. Allow Him to do the work in you!!!
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