The power of Midian...desperation

Judges 6:2-6 tells us of a very powerful group of people, the Midianites. It says their power was oppressive(2), caused the Israleites to live in hiding(2),destroyed their crops(3),took and destroyed their cattle(4), and ravaged the land(5). Wow that seems incredibly powerful to me. I think if I were one of the Israelites back then that I would have been intimidated too. Especially if I thought they had ultimate power to do whatever they wanted.
The truth is, the reason the Midianites had any power over the Israelites was because God allowed it and because the Israelites were "evil in the eyes of the Lord." The Midianites power was strong because God had a purpose.
What was God's purpose in this? I think I have an answer. It is found in verse 6. In desperation the Israelites cried out to the Lord for help.
Desperation, frustration, hopelessness, and destruction, day in and day out for seven years. Now that would be hard to deal with. I am sure there were many days they wondered if things would ever change.
During that time I am sure there must have been a remnant of people who were still committed to God. Yet they remain silent in this passage. Where were they? Maybe they felt too overwhelmed to do anything. Maybe they had given up. Maybe they were silently praying. We don't really know. But God knew!!!
Maybe you have been feeling like the Israelites lately. Desperate, frustrated, hopeless and overwhelmed. Maybe you have felt like giving up. Maybe you have been silently praying for help to come. I want to encourage you that help is on the way. God is still in control.
We will see tomorrow, that God's timing is near and that a miracle is about to take place.
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