Response to the cry for help

The Israelites had reached the end of their resources and they have cried out to the Lord for help. (Judges 6:6) In 6:7 we see the Lord has a response for His people.
He sent them someone to help, this time it was a prophet and the prophet had a message. First the prophet reminded them (8-9) of God's previous deliverance from the hands of the Egyptians, and all their oppressors and how God had given them the land. He also says in v.10 that God told them not to worship the gods of the Amorites, where they are now living. BUT they did not listen.
I have a friend that is going through a very difficult time in his life right now. His life seems to be falling apart. He turned his back on God and began to worship other things. Things that he knew would lead to destruction but he chose to idolize them and turn away from the way that he knew he should go. So here he is today, living in fear, under a deep oppression, feeling beat down and condemned and hopeless.
He has been like the Israelites, in that he has expereinced God's deliverance in the past, he has seen the favor of God rest upon him and yet he chose to turn his back on God. I have reminded him though that God is not done with him yet. He too finds himself in that "Again place." He needs to be reminded that God is still in control and that God desires for my friends true worship.
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