Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ministering to the masses?

Have you ever had one of those experiences where a thought is implanted on your mind and heart which is not of your own doing? Let me explain what words were implanted on my heart.

I was walking accross a parking lot and noticed a parking lot full of cars. you know the Christmas rush where the mall parking lots are full. I looked and thought, "look at the masses" doing their last month shopping. I started to think about that word the masses.

I thought about those who are in ministry where they speak to the masses, in front of hundreds or thousands of people. I thought about those who are in ministry that have a congregation of people they are responsible for. There message can be delivered on a Sunday morning where they can speak to many people to share their message.

Then came that moment I shared about at the beginning, words spoken to my mind and heart that I have never considered before. These words were clearly understood by me. Here is the message, "I have not called you to minister to the masses, I have called you to minsister to the messes." Wow what a thought. That is the focus of the ministry God has called me to. Helping those in need, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

There is often pressure in ministry to develop a large ministry. There is certainly a place for large ministries. There is also a place for impacting people on a one to one basis. For sure it wont get the press like a big ministry, but it makes a huge impact to the people you minister to.

If you feel like God is calling you into ministry, follow Him. It does not matter if you minister to the masses or the messes. Trust his leading and impact someones life today. Maybe it is through a mission trip. Maybe it is by seeing someone in need and blessing them (not just with money but with your presence). Maybe it is by encouraging someone. Maybe it is by mentoring someone. Maybe it is......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Scott:

Ministering to the messes takes a gift...Praise God, He has given you that gift! God is moving in your heart. There is a sense of boldness and a clear direction. Scott, I enjoy our times together. God is binding our hearts together.


2:40 AM  

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