Prescription drugs
He is right. I am making progress in "getting off" the meds. Since my pain has been reduced I have made the decision to reduce the painkillers with the goal of getting off them. I have cut my meds in half, but it has not been easy. My symptoms include headaches, body chills and ache, extreme nausea and diarheaa (sorry to be graphic), change in appetite, sneezing and runny nose. I tried to go "cold turkey", but was unable to.
Why do I write this? Well for two purposes. First, through this experience it gives me a greater compassion for those I minister to that are addicted to different things. I now will be able to better identify with their battle to get free. I can see God using this time in my life to make me a more effective servant.
Secondly, there may be others who read this that may be battling to overcome their dependency on prescription drugs. I am not talking about people who are on prescription drugs to deal with physical pain. I want you to know that you are not alone. I have been spending time on a number of websites where people share their battle to be set free. Some have had to go inpatient to get set free and others have been able to do it through outpatient care or on their own. God is able to do all things and nothing is impossible with Him.
Please pray with me that God will continue to supply me with the wisdom and strength to persevere in my med reduction. Pray as well especially for the first nations in our area that have so many people addicted to things like oxycontin and dilautid.
I pray that the Truth will set them free!!!