Merry CHRISTmas
Christmas is a special time of year, especially for those who recognize Christ as the reason we celebrate the season. Unfortunately I believe many people have no idea or have chosen to focus on other things when it comes to Christmas. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ.I was thinking this morning about celebrating a birthday. My birthday is in April and I always get cards from my family and sometimes friends. On those cards it usually says "Happy Birthday Scott". Why? Because it is a recognition of my birthday. But what if the cards I received just said "Happy". Happy what? There would be something important missing, my name. Sounds rediculous right?Isn't that what is happening when it comes to Christmas? People running frantically during the "holiday season". People greeting us with "happy holidays". Stores with signs of "holiday shopping". People focused on Santa. People focused on outdoor lights and trees in our living room.I think we as Christians need to take the time to be sure and greet people properly during this Christmas season. Without Christ, coming as a child to earth there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas. It is sad to think that we would celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world and at the same time remove His name from the Christmas season.Happy Birthday Jesus!!! I am so glad you came into this world. Forgive me(us) for not recognizing you properly and for putting other things as a higher priority. Forgive me(us) for not standing up for you and taking the stand for you!!!
The movie
Yesterday we took 24 people to see the "Nativity Story", of which nineteen were teens. We only had four of our regular youth teens out and fifteen new teens join us.After the movie we came back to the school to talk about the movie and have some Christmas baking. I asked the question, "did this movie have anything to do with the Christmas story?", and the response was surprising. Only four of the teens felt it was the Christmas story. Many felt it had nothing to do with Christmas.When asked further the majority felt that Christmas was about getting gifts. We then asked some more probing questions and we were able to get to the place of understanding that Christmas was about family and giving and the birth of a baby, Jesus.It was interesting to see the contrast in "beliefs" about Christmas. Two of the teens who felt that the movie did reflect what Christmas was about were frustrated that others could not understand this. To them it was obvious what the story of Christmas is and that without Jesus there would be no Christmas season.Pray for us as we move forward. There is a lot of work to do to bring this group together. Our core kids are going to be strong and focused but bringing the others on board will take time, patience and unconditional love.
Reserve ministry update...A movie & Amazing Race
This past Saturday we had our second event, and we had four new teens out. We had great fun and we were able to further develop relationships with the teens. They have all been very respectful and excited about what we are trying to accomplish.The next couple of weeks are going to be busy. We have purchased 40 tickets to the movie "The Nativity Story" for this Sunday for the reserve ministry. We have a bus reserved to take us all to the cinema. Following the movie we are going back to the rserve where we are going to discuss the movie and have some Christmas baking and eggnog, soda and chips. We are hoping to build new friendships during this time.On the 23rd, the following Saturday, we are having our own version of the "Amazing Race". Our goal is to have 30-40 teens participate in this fast moving, prize filled outreach. Again the goal is to meet new teens who we have not connected with. It will also show that our group is exciting and we can have fun. Our leadeship team are very excited about the next couple of weeks.We have identified one family in particular that we are going to help this Christmas. It is a single mom raising three daughters on a very low income. Two of the girls come to our native youth outreach and we want to not only reach out to teens but to their families as well. We are praying for other adult leaders to join us. We feel that in just a short time we will be able to begin the same type of ministry on our other reserves. We need people who are commited to seeing teens, specifically native teens grow and develop into mature, responsible adults. We know the real answer to this growth is with God moving in their lives and giving them real hope and purpose.
Nehemiah...handling the opposition Part 8
I remember back a few years, to the time I was called into full time ministry. I was not expecting this to happen in my life so I was as surprised that this was the plan the Lord had for me. After I got through the initial shock, I began to take some action steps to become better prepared to step into ministry.For me one of those steps was going to Bible College. I was so excited to go and train. I had thought it through and prayed it through. But in stepped the opposition. I had people, good people, tell me how I was making the biggest mistake of my life. I had others question whether or not God really calls people to do something. It was surprisingly a very challenging time.Now that is not the same type of opposition that Nehemiah experienced. Here were Tobiah, Sanballat and Geshem(2:19). They were not to thrilled to see the rebuilding take place. They wanted it to stop. As we will see further in the chapter they are going to stir up other people to oppose what Nehemiah was doing. What was there motive? I would suggest one was jealousy. If the walls were rebuilt it might cost them something personally. It might have been many other selfish reasons. I think that they were just self seeking people with an agenda.What was Nehemiahs response? Let's build!!! Simple. We need to do what God is clearly leading us to do. We need to stay focused on the mission and not be delayed or side tracked. Let's get to work. He also reminded them that God would be the one that prospered what they did.Nehemiah really pays no attention to the foolishness. He understands his calling and understands that God will supply the defense and God will deal with the opposition. He is not going to be side tracked by the naysayers.I think it is possible to spend valuable time, wasted time trying to get people on board that are just not going to do so. Our focus can be taken off the task the Lord has given us by people who just want to spin their own agenda. Let us focus on what God has placed in our hearts. Let us get to work doing what God has planned. The battle belongs to the Lord!!!
Ministering to the masses?
Have you ever had one of those experiences where a thought is implanted on your mind and heart which is not of your own doing? Let me explain what words were implanted on my heart.I was walking accross a parking lot and noticed a parking lot full of cars. you know the Christmas rush where the mall parking lots are full. I looked and thought, "look at the masses" doing their last month shopping. I started to think about that word the masses.I thought about those who are in ministry where they speak to the masses, in front of hundreds or thousands of people. I thought about those who are in ministry that have a congregation of people they are responsible for. There message can be delivered on a Sunday morning where they can speak to many people to share their message.Then came that moment I shared about at the beginning, words spoken to my mind and heart that I have never considered before. These words were clearly understood by me. Here is the message, "I have not called you to minister to the masses, I have called you to minsister to the messes." Wow what a thought. That is the focus of the ministry God has called me to. Helping those in need, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.There is often pressure in ministry to develop a large ministry. There is certainly a place for large ministries. There is also a place for impacting people on a one to one basis. For sure it wont get the press like a big ministry, but it makes a huge impact to the people you minister to. If you feel like God is calling you into ministry, follow Him. It does not matter if you minister to the masses or the messes. Trust his leading and impact someones life today. Maybe it is through a mission trip. Maybe it is by seeing someone in need and blessing them (not just with money but with your presence). Maybe it is by encouraging someone. Maybe it is by mentoring someone. Maybe it is......